oculomotor nerve

英 美
  • 动眼神经
  • ocular piece 目镜
  • oculate adj.[昆]具单眼的(=ocellate)
  • oculated adj.[昆]具单眼的(=ocellate)
  • oculi n.眼状开口;圆顶顶尖的圆形开口名词oculus的复数形式.
  • oculist n.眼科医生;配镜师
  1. supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye

    1. Among the patients with complete oculomotor nerve paralysis,no pupillary change appeared.
    2. Abducens neurons in the lagging group but not those in the leading group were activated by antidromic stimulation of the contralateral oculomotor nucleus.

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